OxPA meeting
February 23 2010

Open Discussion: OxPA’s direction for the next five years

We would like to play a more active part in improving conditions for pedestrians outside the City centre, and hope to have a representative at all the monthly Area Committees to keep us in touch with local issues, and raise OxPA’s profile city-wide.

It was also decided to ask members to send in their worst local spots for pedestrians: a short question will accompany each Newsletter this month.

We also decided to ask the County to review all the City’s crossing points, many of which are useless or dangerous for pedestrians. The Banbury Road/Marston Road junction was noted as particularly inadequate.

Also discussed was OxPA’s response to the Street Scene Manual, soon to go before the City Executive Board and the County for ratification. Most of our suggestions at the draft stage have been adopted within the final draft.

The Government’s new Active Travel Strategy, which has just been published, will be discussed in greater detail later but it promises to provide a beneficial input to the developing LTP3.

The meeting was reminded about seminars at the University Transport Unit (http://www.tsu.ox.ac.uk) which we will advertise on our website when of interest to pedestrians.