OxPA meeting
Tuesday April 28 2009

Open Discussion

Topics discussed included:

Recent County Council decision to implement 20mph throughout Oxford’s residential areas, and some parts of some main roads. We welcome this development but will continue to campaign for inclusion of all main roads and bus routes where most walking and cycling takes place, especially near schools and shops. This is in line with recent Government recommendations.

New County Walking and Cycling Strategies. We welcomed these proposals

“High Priority” plans for improving the High Street, which include widening pavements, reducing clutter and number of buses were noted with approval.

Problems associated with plan to relocate regional Probationary Service Centre in Osney were discussed.

Broad Street plans. Suggestions included:
  • more space is needed for people to assemble and wander
  • closure to motor traffic on Sundays to allow proper safe enjoyment of this space
  • limiting motor vehicle parking to disabled badge holders
  • reducing clutter of bike parking arrangements (not amount of bike parking)
  • using released space for trees, fountains, seats and outdoor cafes
  • enforcement of loading restrictions to reduce volume of commercial traffic after 10am
  • relocation of motorbike parking


We welcomed a member from Abingdon who wishes to involve us in his plans to set up a Living Streets group in Abingdon. We are pursuing similar activities with contacts in Witney and Chipping Norton who have similar plans.