OxPA Meeting – July 26 2011

Evening Walk: The Lye Valley We enjoyed a very interesting evening walk through the Lye Valley and Warneford Meadow. Expertly guided by Sietske Boeles, who has spent many years campaigning to protect the Warneford Meadow, we were made keenly aware of how important it is to preserve these parts of Oxford’s green space – both […]

OxPA Meeting – June 28 2011

Paul Cullen Memorial Walk More than 20 of us met at Folly Bridge to follow Paul’s “Waterways” walk with Ros, members, friends, and several newcomers who had spotted the walk on the internet and Daily Information.  We enjoyed a pleasant wander along the river and canal paths up to the Trap Grounds, where Keith led […]

OxPA Meeting – May 24 2011

Cross Directorate Working – It’s What It’s All About! County Council Officers Deborah Whelan (Environment and Economy) and Elizabeth Agar (Social and Community Services) ran a ‘double act’ presentation to Oxford Pedestrians Association (OxPA) at Town Hall Oxford about what the Oxfordshire County Council can do to assist people with sensory and mobility difficulties. Every […]

OxPA Meeting – March 22 2011

Urban Nature Walks Speaker: Athene Reiss from BBOWT Athene outlined BBOWT’s interest in Oxford’s floodplain meadows. These “unimproved” meadows are of national importance because they support ecosystems becoming rare elsewhere. BBOWT is in the early stages of mounting a campaign to highlight their value and promote greater public interest in and enjoyment of them. The […]

OxPA Annual General Meeting – October 19 2010

Investing in the Walkable City Speaker: Paul Cullen At our Annual General Meeting for 2010, OxPA’s Chairman Paul Cullen presented his vision of a development strategy for Oxford and other British cities. 

Joint Cyclox and OxPA Meeting – May 27 2010

To Share Or Not To Share? Chariman: Richard Mann Graham Smith presented the case for more shared space in Oxford citing examples from the Continent and the US, illustrated with photos including two of an urban scheme in the Netherlands before and after a successful reconfiguration as shared space. Pictures of cyclists and pedestrians in […]

OxPA Meeting – Tuesday April 27 2010

Don’t Trap Me at Home! Speaker: Gwynneth Pedler Gwynneth works with the Oxford City Access Forum and Oxfordshire Unlimited to improve conditions for people with disabilities throughout the city. Deeply committed to increasing choice for disadvantaged people, she has even taken her message to the Trafalgar Square plinth. An active discussion followed her presentation of […]

OxPA Meeting – March 23 2010

The Oxford Green Lungs Research Programme Speaker: Christopher Gowers The Oxford Green Lungs Research Programme is an initiative of the Oxford City District Committee of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England Oxfordshire to research the green infrastructure of the city and link that with the green healthcare and education initiatives. The idea was germinated by […]

OxPA Meeting – February 23 2010

Open Discussion: OxPA’s direction for the next five years We would like to play a more active part in improving conditions for pedestrians outside the City centre, and hope to have a representative at all the monthly Area Committees to keep us in touch with local issues, and raise OxPA’s profile city-wide. It was also […]

OxPA Meeting – January 26 2010

The Future of the City’s Centre Speaker: Gordon Reid (Oxford City Centre Manager) Gordon Reid, newly appointed City Centre Manager, has come to Oxford after a career in town planning in Dundee, Edinburgh and Manchester, with a commitment to high quality public space for pedestrians. Priorities and values: “Pedestrians” designates everyone by whatever means they […]