OxPA Annual General Meeting – October 23 2012
Air Pollution and Transport in Oxford City Guest Speaker: Roger Pitman with Owen South Following our AGM, our Guest speaker was Roger Pitman, Oxford City Council’s Environmental Development Officer, on “Air Pollution and Transport in Oxford City”. He was accompanied by Owen South of Oxfordshire County Council’s transport department. Roger opened with a vision of […]
OxPA Meeting – July 24 2012
Evening Walk: Headington Hill Park Dr Ian Gourlay led a group of over twenty of us on an evening exploration of the many interesting trees in Headington Hill Park. As well as being an expert on trees and their diseases, Ian was able to tell us a lot about the history of Headington Hall, including […]
OxPA Meeting – June 26 2012
Evening Walk: A Transit Hub At Oxpens? To explore the potential for a new station and transport hub at Oxpens, a group of us met at Folly Bridge and walked upstream on the south side of the river to the top of Marlborough Street. This was the site of the original railway line and Grandpont […]
OxPA Meeting – May 22 2012
A New Transport Hub For Oxford At Oxpens? Speaker: Dr Andrew Pritchard, Transport Group Convenor, Oxford Civic Society Dr Pritchard presented a personal view of the advantages and challenges in developing an Oxford transport hub on the Oxpens site, which stimulated an interesting and lively discussion.
OxPA Meeting – April 24 2012
Evening Walk: Water Meadow and Parkland Our April meeting was an evening circular walk to include both waterside meadows and park land. From the Angel and Greyhound meadow we walked through the back streets and alleys of St Clement’s to emerge on the Marston Road. A turning after the Islamic Centre led us down to […]
OxPA Meeting – March 27 2012
Public Rights Of Way In Oxford City Speaker: Anthony Dale, Footpath Secretary of Oxford City Ramblers Tony described how the onset of Foot and Mouth disease in the countryside made town walking more popular, and that even in 1970 over 1000 acres of green accessible land remained in Oxford. The County Council Countryside Services are […]
OxPA Meeting – February 28 2012
A City For Pedestrians Speaker: Gordon Reid, Oxford City Centre Manager Gordon Reid came to Oxford two years ago having worked in cities such as Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee, to improve the experience of pedestrians in their city centres. Now he is applying his energy and experience to make Oxford more pedestrian-friendly. He believes […]
OxPA Meeting – January 17 2012
Pedestrian Crossings – How They Work Speaker: Mike Best, Traffic Signals Officer, Oxfordshire County Council Mike Best gave an excellent illustrated talk on the way the different types of signalled crossings work. His knowledge and enthusiasm made this very technical area much easier to understand. He came prepared to answer our questions and took some […]
OxPA Annual General Meeting – October 25 2011
Walking Our Way To Happiness Speaker: Dr Andy Chivers Following our AGM, guest Speaker Dr Andy Chivers gave a highly informative talk on “Walking our way to happiness”. Based on the recent report by the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers, “Start active, stay active”, Andy took us through the evidence for preserving our physical and mental health […]
OxPA Meeting – August 23 2011
Evening Walk in Aston’s Eyot An evening walk around the Aston’s Eyot nature reserve was enthusiastically attended by a group of 20 or so. Guided by Ruth Ashcroft of the Friends of Aston’s Eyot, we explored this complex river island and learnt about its history, its ecology, and the plans for future management. We are […]