Joint Cyclox, Civic Society and OxPA Meeting – July 22 2014
Conversation with the new City Centre Manager Speaker: Laurie-Jane Taylor, Oxford City Centre Manager. There was a well-attended and lively gathering to meet the new City Centre Manager. After giving a resumé of her very varied background of activities within the city, Laurie explained her role as a “conduit” between the City and County Councils, […]
OxPA Meeting – June 24 2014
Evening Walk For our June meeting we followed one of the Oxford walks from the collection to which several members of OxPA have contributed. The guide to the Oxford Jewish Heritage Walk can be obtained at bookshops and information centres in the City or as a free download from the Oxford Walks website. The self-guided tour begins near […]
Joint Cyclox, Civic Society and OxPA Meeting – April 22 2014
“A future for transport in Oxford City” Speakers: Councillor David Nimmo Smith, Chairman of the County Transport Advisory Panel and Cabinet Member for the Environment. Councillor Nimmo Smith’s presentation stimulated a lively discussion. Summary points include: 1. Choice: an audience member pointed out that “unfettered choice” is not sustainable. If too many people make bad choices, […]
Joint Cyclox and OxPA Meeting – January 28 2014
St Giles Campaign – Survey update Speaker: Keith Frayn Keith Frayn presented an interim summary of the findings of the OxPA survey of traffic in St Giles. The aim of the survey is to document the use of the thoroughfare by pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles with a view to a rational allocation of space. […]
Joint Cyclox and OxPA Meeting – November 26 2013
“A vision for a sustainable city” Speaker: Peter Headicar, Reader in Transport Planning, Oxford Brookes University We have to ask why is it so difficult for walking/cycling campaigns to succeed, in spite of the official positive rhetoric in UK? We are still overshadowed by social/cultural dominance of the car in our society – the “car culture”. There is […]
OxPA Annual General Meeting – October 21 2013
Transport Policy at Oxford Brookes University Speaker: Sebastian Blake Following the business meeting, guest speaker Sebastian Blake spoke about Transport Policy at Oxford Brookes University. From a background in environmental science and waste, Sebastian is now Sustainability Officer with an interest in transport, implementing Brookes University’s Green Travel plans. Brookes has challenges different from those […]
OxPA Meeting – August 13 2013
Evening Walk Our August meeting was an opportunity for an evening walk. On a perfect summer evening a cheerful band of OxPA members and friends, ages ranging from 6 to over 80 years, set forth from Paul Cullen’s memorial bench in Walton Street for a circular walk. From Walton Well Road we crossed Port Meadow, […]
Joint Cyclox and OxPA Meeting – July 23 2013
St Giles Campaign Speaker: Ben Hamilton-Baillie The St Giles campaign gained new impetus at our July meeting with the return of Ben to address a larger meeting of representatives from Oxford Civic Society, Cyclox, Sustrans, City and County Councillors and officers, and many individuals, including Ted Dewan of Roadwitch, interested in creating a more beautiful place for […]
OxPA Meeting – March 26 2013
Discussion Meeting Topics included: Future meetings: April 23rd, weather permitting, an urban walk from Liz Woolley’s book. (Town Hall room booked in case of rain). Future joint meetings with Cyclox to include St Giles. Oxford Walks database is being prepared by Keith Frayn and colleagues. Green Spaces Circular Walk – Keith Holly to advise on […]
Joint Cyclox and OxPA Meeting – February 26 2013
“Beyond Transform” Speaker: Cllr. Ian Hudspeth, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council. This very stimulating meeting was well attended by members of OxPA, Cyclox, and the Oxford Civic Society. We were very grateful to Ian Hudspeth for coming to explain his vision for Oxford in the light of the Council’s Transform Oxford initiative. A review […]