We have a variety of ongoing campaigns. Get in touch to let us know which campaigns interest you and which campaigns you would like to get involved in.
Featured campaigns

Broad Street
To remove car parking and create another smaller square.

Hythe Bridge St
Close to through motorised traffic to create a safe and pleasant walking and cycling route between the station and city centre.

Ban pavement parking.

Cycle lanes
Take cycle lanes off pavements.

To be wide enough for two wheelchair users to easily pass one another at a minimum.

Reduce waiting times at crossings, replacing with zebra crossings where possible.

Speed limits
20mph on all roads in the city including ‘arterial’ routes.

Obstacles to be removed from pavements.

More benches needed in the city, including replacing the ‘perches’ on Cornmarket with proper benches.

Desire lines
Crossings to be moved to desire lines.

Pavement extensions
Pavement extensions across all side streets.
© 2024 Oxford Pedestrians Association
Website created by Dan Neal -