About us
Oxford Pedestrians Association was founded in the mid 1990s when a group of friends decided to work towards making Oxford a better place for people on foot.
Policies and aims
- To promote walking (including supported mobility) as a means of urban travel and recreation.
- To campaign for the safety and convenience of pedestrians.
- To ensure that the interests of pedestrians are central to transport planning and implementation.
Join us
It only costs £7.00 for a year’s membership that includes our regular Newsletters.
(Please consider sending more, if possible, it all helps to support our work).
Officers of the association
Sushila Dhall - Chair
Sushila was one of the founder members of OxPA. A long time campaigner for the needs and rights of pedestrians, including those pavement-users who have mobility support needs, she is keen to see pavements and footways wide, level and unobstructed.

Jamie Blomfield – Secretary
Jamie has lived in Oxfordshire all his life, and is an advocate for safer streets for all.

Don O’Neal – Treasurer and Membership
Don has lived in Oxford since 1986 and experienced pavement problems for years. He hopes things improve for all pedestrians.

Owen McKnight – Social Media Co-ordinator
Owen has lived in Oxford for over 20 years. He is raising two children here, with whom he encounters both the pleasures and frustrations of walking (and cycling).

Vacant – Stalls organiser
Join us! We’re looking for a Stalls Officer to store our stall items (photos, merchandise, leaflets, and banner – which do not take up much space), and to ensure they are available for our 2-3 stalls per year. A bonus is you get to be on the Committee! Please contact us at oxford.pedestrians.association@gmail.com if you are interested.

© 2024 Oxford Pedestrians Association
Website created by Dan Neal - dpneal@gmail.com